Visual Studio 2008-2013, NUnit (Obtained via Nuget), Moq (Obtained via Nuget)
I’ve created a template for unit tests when using NUnit, I find it’s really useful because it covers 95% of testing scenarios I encounter on a day-to-day basis. I’ve followed the Given-When-Then terminology (Same as Arrange-Act-Assert) as it feels more natural to me. It’s always essentially down to preference but I like using this as a template because:
Having a single point of object creation means it’s really, really easy when refactoring signatures (especially if you don’t have ReSharper)
It reads well and it’s intent is pretty clear i.e. the naming of the tests is very close to natural language
The [SetUp] and [TearDown] methods allow you to adequately prepare before each test which is useful if you’re testing something like IO
There’s no reason this can’t be extended or even have this as a generic base class either.
If anyone has any better way to achieve the same results, please let me know in the comments!